Open Door: Meaningful Jewish Learning with R. Elie Lehmann of Hadar
Step into an open and welcoming space for Jewish learning! In partnership with Hadar Boston, join R. Elie Lehmann every...
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Mah Jongg is a fast-moving game that will sharpen cognitive, memorization, and decision-making skills. This is a beginners American Mah Jongg class. You will learn what the tiles are and how to play the game using many strategies. You should be able to play at any American Mah Jongg table after completing this class. Class taught by Renee Tepper. All are welcome. Geared towards adults. Class session: 1/22-3/12. No class 2/19. Questions, email
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Step into an open and welcoming space for Jewish learning! In partnership with Hadar Boston, join R. Elie Lehmann every...
Mah Jongg is a fast-moving game that will sharpen cognitive, memorization, and decision-making skills. This is a beginners...
Mah Jongg is a fast-moving game that will sharpen cognitive, memorization, and decision-making skills. This is a beginners...
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